Papua New Guinea is a world-class gold and copper producer, but remains undervalued and under developed.
Tolu Minerals is strategically positioned to participate in the renaissance of the PNG mining sector that is evidenced by the success of TSX listed K92 Mining Inc and recent corporate transactions such Newcrest – Barrick. The company has secured a valuable portfolio of assets including the historically operated, fully permitted, high-grade Tolukuma gold silver mine, a substantial package of adjacent exploration licenses on the Tolukuma epithermal structure and the earlier stage Mt. Penck epithermal gold silver copper exploration license. Tolu enjoys strong support from community and government for the redevelopment of Tolukuma, which is seen as a strategically important project and benefits and company benefits from a strong board and management team supported by an experienced advisory board, advisors and an international team of professionals. Tolu’s portfolio represents a compelling exploration pipeline ranging from Tolukuma gold mine as a historical producer, the adjacent exploration package on the Tolukuma structure and the great potential afforded by the earlier stage Mt Penck project supported by substantial previous exploration programmes.
Learn more about Tolu Minerals